Tuesday 30 November 2010

"Forget Rob's bungee, I have marking!" SRH

As the sun rose on a sunny, yet cold, November morning, who could’ve know what was in store for the day ahead? A minor hangover could not stop Rob “Runner Up” Smith from venturing into the cold for the good of charity. But alas, this isn’t about Rob!

Of course Sarah “Hemp Smoking” Hall is our topic of today (well, I suppose our topic of everyday!) After being ‘contacted’ by Mrs. Smith, we were sure that SRH was aware of the crazy jump that Rob was preparing for with his egg whites. We hoped and prayed that she would turn up to view his act of heroism. More than this, we hoped that compatriots Bayleaf and Ulster-Unionist Jamison would turn up too, but surely this was asking too much? (What with the Ulster demonstrations on the ROI border).

Hours later, whilst waiting patiently beside the beautiful scenery of Salford – a Dirty Old Town for any of you music fanatics – what popped up but the placard of the little Ulster-Unionist Jamison, “I AM BRITISH” it stated in bold writing, which was barely legible due to Irish education. However, after quickly quelling her patriotism, we briefly revelled in delight at the fact that the “chip off” the old block had turned up! Her Irish scent (Guinness) blew in the wind and spirits raised despite the ever falling temperatures. What was next to happen was truly outstanding...

A lady dressed in all white (English GCSE students could compare her to Blanche in ‘Street Car’), and another lady – looking quite ‘super-dry’ – were spotted viewing the crane which Rob was serenely preparing himself for. Contain ourselves, we could not. Calmly turning 180 degrees to face our direction, Sarah’s spliff was clearly noticeable and we were sure it was them. The day, from then on, turned from good to great. Sarah cracking famous jokes about Mrs. Hollis, Jamison with her “I love Potatoes” t-shirt and the Bayleaf singing “Pea Head’s on his tractor” truly made the day. Rob bravely jumped (to which you can still donate to! http://www.justgiving.com/Robert-Smith-4-Mind/?fb_ref=fundraising-page-top&fb_source=profile_oneline) and buckets of tears were shed by the trio.

So, all in all? A good day out. We hope it will be one of many with SRH


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