Thursday 4 November 2010

13 SRH takes a form trip to Poland.

Or so it would seem. Yes, Sarah Hall headed up the Auschwitz Trip as she has done for the past couple of years.

Year 13 students write a well formed and persuasive letter convincing Sarah that they are the people to be on that trip for one reason or another.

It was fishy when Sophie Drews and Grace Maher (seen below) both members of Sarah Hall's form got chosen to go on the trip.

Then, at a later date after a sudden drop out of the trip from local college; Oldham Sixth Form we see that two more places on the trip were added, this was awesome for those other people that applied but never got on... You'd have thought however after the uproar about both Sophie and Grace being in the same form that a certain teacher would have learnt, but no.

"Antics of an Atheists" own Managing Editor (that's second in charge for those that know nothing of the newsroom) DPF (seen below) was another of the lucky students to get chosen - not really a surprise, some would argue that DPF is potentially Saz's favourite Dan.. so.. well, Y'kno. Secondly Lydia Hewitt-Lee, year 13's only half Chinese student and choreographer for The Sarah Hall Show's talent show entry... yes, that's right, again another two members of Sarah Halls form.

I'm not going to add anything else to today's blog, I just thought I'd put that out there. My feelings go out to all the other loyal and faithful students who tried so hard and were knocked down by potential favouritism. Tune in tomorrow for DPF's edition on Auschwitz.

L x

P.S this blog "fully supports" the fact that Sarah did not pick out the students who attended the trip and they were chosen by a senior member of staff. Don't want this to be read by Sarah and for her to go crazy and shave her hair or something.... oh, wait.

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