Wednesday 6 October 2010

How do you know ?

Today's form songs ( don't stop believing - Glee, Happy Birthday)


Form time today was TENSE - Everyone waited with baited breath for the arrival of colt, the reason for this, Saz bought cookies. But there was a clause, before we could eat - we had to sing.

What a surprise, Sarah and singing. Nothing new there ...

Turns out thought, Sophie's stomach got the better of her. Driven by hunger and madness she forced saz into submission and made her share the goods.

The highlight would have to be one little conversation.

Sarah: Surprise surprise Sophie, heading straight for the cookies?
Sophie: Say's you, I thought you were pregnant with that stomach, but your just fat.
Sarah: How do you know I'm not pregnant?
Sophie: Well... you are a lesbian aren't you?

The question everyone is asking ... Is she or isn't she ?

We know she has a boyfriend, the famous "Dan" but has anyone ever seen him in the flesh? that picture on her phone could be anyone... and she regularly comes out with quite harsh words when speaking about men, for example "Men are knobs of butter. Just remove the butter."

How different the world would be if Freud had studied Sarah Hall instead of Sergei Pankejeff (Wolfman)...

The rest of form time was taken up listening to music on YouTube and we got Blue Coat and Sarah Hall's original form member, the much loved Alex Crompton... she referred to Crommy's Music (well respected on the streets of Greater Manchester) as "just noise" and demanded that Liam Corless turned it off immediately.

Take a listen to Blue Coats favourite M.C Crommy her

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