Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Rehearsal Day 1

Day one of the mystery rehearsals has commenced with Sarah leading the way in the dancing.

Sarah like most wild creatures has incredibly sensitive ears and if the volume creeps one decibel too high she shrieks "turn it down, they're recording down there!!!!" similar to her desperate plea "I have guides I have guides".

She was very critical of our head girl claiming she was putting too much shoulder action into the routine.

Sarah clearly wasn't feeling herself today, she she looked like a normal teacher. She usually shares her wardrobe with the wild Nikki and Bayley but today she looked rather normal, as if she had slipped into one of Miss Whiskey's outfits?

Sarah has aired her concerns that our xmas performance is the day after college party - however judging from this recent on - non of us will have tickets to attend anyway!!

Come back tomorrow to see what type of mood Sarah is in on the last day of term, and an accessories breakdown!

Much love


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